About Us

We are using organic gardening to teach our children about nature and growing crops. Our kids get to experience the benefit of consistent hard work, yielding a beautiful and tasty harvest of crops for our consumption.

As parents, we began this gardening experience by building a couple of cedar raised garden boxes by hand. Neighbors commented on the quality and aesthetic appeal of our gardens, particularly the cedar raised garden boxes. “Where did you get those?” is a common question and is what brought to us to realize we built something other people wanted.

Because of the praise of friends and neighbors, we decided to use the hobby of building cedar raised garden boxes to support our children’s education. We put in the time to source the cedar and build the boxes with our children. We teach them everything from shop safety to customer service. As they grow older we hope to teach them the more intricate details of running a business. In addition to the hands on education, we offer the garden boxes for sale with the express goal of building a small savings for our children’s education; hence 529gardenboxes.com, named after the 529 education savings plans.

Thank you to all of our customers for your support!